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Studio 11

We are pleased to announce the start of the solo exhibition Studio 11 by Wolfgang Ellenrieder. A large part of the works now shown by us was created during his stay in 2018/19 at the Deutsche Akademie Rome Villa Massimo. In January Ellenrieder presented a selection at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin. The entire Studio 11 and other new works by the artist will be on view in our spinning mill until July 25, 2020. A publication will be enclosed with the exhibition.

Artists: Wolfgang Ellenrieder
Available: June 20, 2020 - July 25, 2020
About: Wolfgang Ellenrieder * 1959 in Munich | lives and works in Munich | since 2010 professor at the University of Fine Arts in Braunschweig | 2018/19 Scholarship from the German Academy Rome Villa Massimo, IT as well as numerous other prizes and grants | Ellenrieder's works and many years of exhibition ... more >> Wolfgang Ellenrieder * 1959 in Munich | lives and works in Munich | since 2010 professor at the University of Fine Arts in Braunschweig | 2018/19 Scholarship from the German Academy Rome Villa Massimo, IT as well as numerous other prizes and grants | Ellenrieder's works and many years of exhibition activity as well as projects are documented in numerous publications, including Kiosk des Glücks, 2017 by Lubok Verlag and Hybrid, also published in 2015 by Lubok Verlag.